Indicador Monitoring and Evaluation Tool: Technical Notes

Interactive tool

Monitoring and Evaluation

Information for the indicators of the Strategic Lines of Action 1, 2, and 3 are systematically and uniformly compiled for the 35 Member States on a biennial basis for the World Health Organization (WHO) Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic. The information for the indicator of the Strategic Line of Action 4 is collected directly from the Pan American Health Organization using a few additional questions to the form used for the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic. The status of progress of all indicators from the Strategy and Pan of Action will be disseminated through the Indicator Monitoring and Evaluation Tool, which will support monitoring the progress of the implementation of key priority interventions for the reduction of tobacco use and premature deaths from noncommuincable diseases.

Definition of indicators

Strategic line of action 1: Implementation of measures for the creation of completely smoke-free environments and the adoption of effective measures on the packaging and labeling of tobacco products
Objective 1.1: Enact smoke-free environment legislation throughout the Region of the Americas
Descriptor Description
Indicator ID 1.1.1
Indicator Name Number of countries with national regulations creating 100% smoke-free environments in all enclosed public and work space and public transportation
Description Number and countries that have established, through legal mechanisms total ban on smoking that should cover at least all enclosed public and workspaces and public transportation according to the specifications established in the guidelines of article 8 of the WHO FCTC.
Methodology The countries that are in the highest category of the best-practice classification for smoke-free environments as reported in the biennial WHO Report on the Global Tobacco - All public places completely smoke-free (or at least 90% of the population covered by complete subnational smoke-free legislation).
Source Baseline:
World Health Organization. Appendix VI: Public Places with smoke-free legislations. Table 6.1. In: WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2017, Monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2017. Available on-line (Excel file). And updated by PAHO/WHO Tobacco Control Team.
World Health Organization. Appendix VI: Public Places with smoke-free legislations. Table 6.1. In: WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2019, Offer help to quit tobacco use [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2019. Available on-line (Excel file). And updated by PAHO/WHO Tobacco Control Team
References WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2019, Offer help to quit tobacco use. Geneva: WHO; 2019. Available online
Objective 1.2: Include health warnings on the packaging of tobacco products
Descriptor Description
Indicator ID 1.2.1
Indicator Name Number of countries with graphic health warnings on tobacco packaging that meet the criteria of the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic
Description This indicator reflects the number of countries that have adopted large graphic health warnings that meets certain criteria to ensure their maximum visibility: they should cover 50% or more of the main surface of the packaging (in no case less than 30%) and include rotating images and messages in the main language(s) spoken in the country.
Furthermore, the packaging should not contain any element, such as the words “mild,” and “light,” that could lead to the mistaken conclusion that the product in question is less harmful than another and should provide qualitative information on its components and emissions.
Methodology Countries that are in the highest category of the best-practice classification for Warning labels on tobacco Packaging as reported in the biennial WHO Report on the Global Tobacco - Large warnings 6 with all appropriate characteristics.
Source Baseline:
World Health Organization. Appendix VI: Public Places with smoke-free legislations. Table 6.5. In: WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2017, Monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2017. Available on-line (Excel file) And updated by PAHO/WHO Tobacco Control Team.
World Health Organization. Appendix VI: Public Places with smoke-free legislations. Table 6.5. In: WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2019, Offer help to quit tobacco use [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2019. Available on-line (Excel file) And updated by PAHO/WHO Tobacco Control Team
References WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2019, Offer help to quit tobacco use. Geneva: WHO; 2019. Available online
Descriptor Description
Indicator ID 1.2.2
Indicator Name Number of countries that adopt a policy of neutral and/or standardized packaging
Description This indicator reflects the number of countries that have adopted a policy of plain and/or standardized packaging that consists in a measure designed to restrict or prohibit the use of logos, colors, trademark imagery, and/or promotional information other than the brand or product name, which should appear in a nondescript color and font and/or the adoption of a standardized format per brand name, allowing one format for every brand of tobacco product.
Methodology Countries that have adopted a policy of plain and/or standardized packaging and/or the adoption of a standardized format per brand name, allowing one format for every brand of tobacco product.
Source Regional Tobacco Control Team
References States Parties’ reports to the FCTC Secretariat. Available on-line
Strategic line of action 2: Implementation of a ban on the advertising, promotion, and sponsorshiup of tobacco products and the adoption of measures to reduce their affordability
Objective 2.1: Impose a total ban on the advertising, promotion, and sponsorship of tobacco products
Descriptor Description
Indicator ID 2.1.1
Indicator Name Number of countries whith a total ban on the advertising, promotion, and sponsorship of tobacco products
Description This indicator reflects the number of countries that have implemented the ban on advertising, promotion, and sponsorship of tobacco use according to the specifications established in the guidelines of article 13 of the WHO FCTC.
Methodology Countries that are in the highest category of the best-practice classification for Bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship as reported in the biennial WHO Report on the Global Tobacco - Ban on all forms of direct and indirect advertising (or at least 90% of the population covered by subnational legislation completely banning tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship).
Source Baseline:
World Health Organization. Appendix VI: Public Places with smoke-free legislations. Table. In: WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2017, Monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2017. Avaliable online: Table 6.10 and Table 6.11 And updated by PAHO/WHO Tobacco Control Team.
Midterm: World Health Organization. Appendix VI: Public Places with smoke-free legislations. Table 6.10 and 6.11. In: WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2019, Offer help to quit tobacco use [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2019. Availble online: Table 6.10 and Table 6.11 And updated by PAHO/WHO Tobacco Control Team
References WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2019, Offer help to quit tobacco use. Geneva: WHO; 2019. Available online
Descriptor Description
Indicator ID 2.1.2
Indicator Name Number of countries whose ban on advertising, promotion, and sponsorship of tobacco products includes a ban on the display of these products at the point of sale.
Description This indicator reflects the number of countries that have adopt a ban on advertising, promotion, and sponsorship of tobacco products includes a ban on the display of these products at the point of sale.
Methodology Countries that are in the highest category of the best-practice classification for Bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship as reported in the biennial WHO Report on the Global Tobacco that includes a ban on the display of these products at the point of sale.
Source Baseline:
World Health Organization. Appendix VI: Public Places with smoke-free legislations. Table. 6.12 In: WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2017, Monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2017. Available online Table 6.12 And updated by PAHO/WHO Tobacco Control Team.
World Health Organization. Appendix VI: Public Places with smoke-free legislations. Table 6.12. In: WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2019, Offer help to quit tobacco use [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2019. Available online Table 6.12. And updated by PAHO/WHO Tobacco Control Team.
References WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2019, Offer help to quit tobacco use. Geneva: WHO; 2019. Available online
Objective 2.2: Reduce the affordability of tobacco products by increasing excise taxes on tobacco
Descriptor Description
Indicator ID 2.2.1
Indicator Name Number of countries in which total taxes represent 75% or more of the final retail price, or in which the increase has been substantial enough to promote a change in the classification
Description Number of countries in which total taxes represent 75% or more of the final retail price of the most sold brand of 20-cigarette packs, or in which the increase in the share of total taxes in the final retail price has been substantial enough to promote a change to a higher category in the classification described in Technical Note I of the biennial WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic. The baseline for this indicator is 2016.
Methodology The countries that are in the highest category of the classification for the total share of taxes in the final retail price of the most sold brand of 20-cigarette packs are identified (75% or more), as reported in the biennial WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic. In addition, for each country, the category as reported in the latest WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic is compared to the category in the baseline year 2016 (reported in the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2017).
Source Baseline:
World Health Organization. Appendix IX: Tobacco taxes and prices. Table 9.1. In: WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2017, Monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2017. File (.xls) available online
World Health Organization. Appendix IX: Tobacco taxes, prices and affordability. Table 9.1. In: WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2019, Offer help to quit tobacco use [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2019. File (.xls) available online
References WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2019, Offer help to quit tobacco use. Geneva: WHO; 2019. Available online
Descriptor Description
Indicator ID 2.2.2
Indicator Name Number of countries that increase excise taxes on tobacco products in a way that promotes an increase in the affordability index presented in the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2015
Description Number of countries that reported an increase in excise taxes on tobacco products in the questionnaire sent by WHO to collect price and tax data for the biennial WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic and experienced a relative increase of more than 10% in the affordability index during the same period. The affordability index described in Technical Note III of the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic is defined as the per capita GDP required to purchase 2,000 cigarettes of the most sold brand.
Methodology The Country Sign-off Sheets (CSS) used for the sign-off process of the data collected for the biennial WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic are compared in order to identify the number of countries that increased excise taxes on tobacco products (statutory ad valorem rate or amount-specific) from one report to the other. Changes in the affordability index, as reported in the biennial WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, are analyzed for countries where an increase in excise taxes on tobacco products was previously identified. A threshold of a 10% relative increase in the affordability index for the same period is set to achieve indicator 2.2.2.
Source Baseline:
World Health Organization. Appendix IX: Tobacco taxes and prices. Table 9.1. In: WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2015, Raising taxes on tobacco [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2015. File (.xls) available online
World Health Organization. Appendix IX: Tobacco taxes and prices. Table 9.1. In: WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2017, Monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2017. File (.xls) available online
World Health Organization. Appendix IX: Tobacco taxes, prices and affordability. Table 9.1. In: WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2019, Offer help to quit tobacco use [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2019. File (.xls) available online
Internal documents: Country Sign-off Sheets (CSS) for the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2015, 2017, and 2019.
References WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2019, Offer help to quit tobacco use. Geneva: WHO; 2019. Available online
Strategic line of action 3: Ratification of the FCTC and the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products by member States that have not yet done so
Objective 3.1: Achieve ratification of the FCTC
Descriptor Description
Indicator ID 3.1.1
Indicator Name Number of countries that are States Parties to the FCTC
Description Number of countries that ratify the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)
Methodology Number of countries that ratify the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) according to the United Nation Treaty Collection.
Source Baseline and Midterm:
United Nation Treaty Collection - Depositary - Status of Treaties. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) available at UN Treaty Collection
References WHO. Framework Convention on Tobbaco Control. Geneva, World Health Organization.
Signatory parties, Treaty Chapter IX-4
Objective 3.2: Achieve ratification of the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products
Descriptor Description
Indicator ID 3.2.1
Indicator Name Number of States Parties to the FCTC that are also States to the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products.
Description Number of States Parties to the FCTC that also ratified the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products.
Methodology Number of countries that ratify the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products according to the United Nation Treaty Collection.
Source Baseline and Midterm:
United Nation Treaty Collection - Depositary - Status of Treaties. Chapter IX Health 4. a Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. Available online
References WHO. Framework Convention on Tobbaco Control. Geneva, World Health Organization. Treaty Chapter IX-4
Strategic line of action 4: Strengthening of Member States'capacity in terms of public health policies to counter attempts at interference by the tobacco industry and those who work to further its interest
Objective 4.1: Establish effective mechanisms to prevent interference by the tobacco industry or those who work to further its interest
Descriptor Description
Indicator ID 4.1.1
Indicator Name Number of countries that have mechanisms for the identification and management of conflicts of interest for government officials and employees with responsibility for tobacco control policies
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Methodology ...
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Pan American Health Organization. Strategy and Plan of Action to Strengthen Tobacco Control in the Region of the Americas 2018-2022. Washington, D.C.: PAHO; 2019.


Pan American Health Organization. Indicator Monitoring and Evaluation Tool. Strategy and Plan of Action to Strengthen Tobacco Control in the Region of the Americas 2018-2022. PAHO. Washington, D.C.: PAHO; 2020.